PK-12 Pedagogy
All publications are linked or free for download below.
Forzani, E., Dobbs, C.L., Leider, C.M., Malik, E., Gragg, M., Greszczuk, C., & Jesberger, C.(2024). Students as Partners: Using an Equity-oriented Critical Assessment Practices (CAPS) Approach in Reading to Empower Students and Inform Instruction. Reading Teacher.
Dobbs, C.L., Forzani, E., & Leider, C.M. (2023). How critical is critical enough?: Forefronting critical consciousness when engaging in critcal online reasoning and evaluation (CORE). The Reading Teacher.
Dobbs, C. L. & Leider, C.M. (2021). What values about language variation are communicated through writing rubrics? The English Journal, 110 (6), 60-68.
Colombo, M., Tigert, J., & Leider, C.M. (2020). Creating a space for writers' voices: Translingual writing in middle and high school English classes. The Leaflet, 117(1), 20-29.
Ross, M. & Leider, C.M. (2020). Sustaining an asset-based approach in distance education. MATSOL Currents, 43 (1), 33-37.
Leider, C.M. (02 December 2018). Multilingual Spaces for Multilingual Students. Invited blog post for the Massachusetts Reading Association Literacy Coaches Blog
Dobbs, C.L., Forzani, E., & Leider, C.M. (2023). How critical is critical enough?: Forefronting critical consciousness when engaging in critcal online reasoning and evaluation (CORE). The Reading Teacher.
Dobbs, C. L. & Leider, C.M. (2021). What values about language variation are communicated through writing rubrics? The English Journal, 110 (6), 60-68.
Colombo, M., Tigert, J., & Leider, C.M. (2020). Creating a space for writers' voices: Translingual writing in middle and high school English classes. The Leaflet, 117(1), 20-29.
Ross, M. & Leider, C.M. (2020). Sustaining an asset-based approach in distance education. MATSOL Currents, 43 (1), 33-37.
Leider, C.M. (02 December 2018). Multilingual Spaces for Multilingual Students. Invited blog post for the Massachusetts Reading Association Literacy Coaches Blog